Luckily, because of our flight time, we were able to acclimate to the time change (16+ hours) very easily. We woke up at about 5:30 this morning and were ready to face our first day in Japan. Since we had so much trouble getting to the hotel, we decided to walk around and try to get a grasp of things. We had an aim of a "Shinjuku walking tour" from our Japan book, but ended up walking past the right street three times.... maybe we will finally find it this afternoon. We ended up wandering Shinjuku for 3 hours, just seeing what was around.
Our view from our hotel room:

hotel room:

TINY bathroom:

Our first experience with English (toilet seat cover)

Photos from walking around:
there are a lot of bikes here, most of them aren't even locked, people just respect each other and don't steal their bikes (cue Mike Tyson punch out theme)

Second Engrish found

You have no idea how many times I thought I was about to see an accident because they drive on the right side of the road here

There are a ton of just awesome cars here. There is a whole group of cars that are in the same class as the Scion Xb, like this Nissan

The best way to get around Shinjuku is by landmark. We can see this building from our hotel room, here is another view

The Japanese are known for their strange toilets


Engrish hats

Little sanctuary in the middle of the big city

This is a French restaurant that my sister used to work at, slightly different menu here

Underground mall

even more bikes

There must be an election coming up or something, we saw this guy standing on top of a truck talking, and two women going around in their own trucks

Another funky little car

We found this traditional style ally surrounded by big, hip stores

yeah, another cool car

looking down at a park

This is one of two American vehicles we saw, the other was a Chevy Astro van

happy, naked people

and we're back!

1 comment:
Excellent! How come it's in Japanese? Anyways I can't wait for the Japanese horse punching!
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